Monday, October 11, 2010

Thanksgiving is Today ...

Today is thanksgiving & my wife decide that we should try to celebrate it with a Feast. This would be our 1st Thanksgiving here .... instead of having Roast Turkey (which is too large for us) we had roast Chicken's Thigh with Drumstick. We had Pumpkin Pie for breakfast .... which is not to our taste ... probably the cinnamon taste is too strong.

Firstly, she made the Cranberries sauce for the Chicken. (Cranberries + Sugar & Cook)

Before Cooking

Finished Product

Then she started preparing the Mashed Potato. (Potatoes + Carrots + Cheese + Butter + Seasoning) Followed by baking the Chicken & Fries. We even had cantaloupe for dessert.

Yummy it has been a while since we had such a Feast !!!

ps. My daughter even taught us a song that she learned at school ...

Thanksgiving is coming & Mr. Turkey said,
Oh My I need to be careful or I will lose my head,
The Pumpkin heard the Turkey,
Goodness Gracious My,
They will mix me up with Sugar & Spice,
Then I will be a Pumpkin Pie.

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