Friday, July 23, 2010

Volunteering Job

Just started the 1st day of my Volunteering Job here as a Senior's Computer Class Assistant. When you are looking for work here many people around will tell you about the infamous question by HR ...... 'Do You Have Canadian Experience ?'. Hence many new migrant will be pissed cause how are we ever gonna get Canadian Experience unless someone gives us a chance & hire us. To me... I'm not really pissed & I haven't encounter anyone from HR asking me that "YET" .... HR has the benefit of doubt because the references you gave maybe from your home country & difficult for them to check & they also wants you to know the way they work here in Canada .... "MORE LAID BACK" I presume.

Therefor, I opted to do volunteer jobs from speaking to other people here & some research on the Internet. By doing this you will show the potential employer that you are gaining "Canadian Experience" while giving back to the COMMUNITY which is the large part of life here. Young Kids here are being taught in school to participate in teamwork & community work .... this help establish a good base for them.

Another option to gain "Canadian Experience" is also by starting with a lower paying job i.e. work at a supermarket or departmental store ... which I have difficulty looking cause they do not usual post online & they wanted resume sometimes ... which I do not know how to make one .... do I tell them I have a degree? Shall I LIE about my experiences? (definitely NOT cause you lose all Reliability & Trustworthy if you do so). Just don't know where to start.

Hopefully, this Volunteer Job will all PAN out to be a good starting & help me build my creditability.

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