Thursday, December 31, 2009

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010 !!!!!


Happy New Year to All !!! Hope that 2010 will be a better year for all & especially me. The date has been set & we shall depart to our new life in Canada on 25 March 2010.

Wish me & my family Good Luck.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

We Have Moved !!

Today is a long & tiring day !!! This is because TODAY we have moved from OUR HOME SWEET HOME ... back to My Dad's place. We are really reluctant to move ... but it is a move we have to take as well for our next journey to Canada.

Never imagine that we have soooo much stuff to move to my Dad's place. It took us at least a whole morning to move all the stuff & whole afternoon to settle down.

drench HAIZ !!!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

House Finally Sold !!!!

Phew !!! What a relieve .... We have finalised the sales of our House. We went down to the Lawyers today & finally signed the S&P agreements.

Now we can really say that we have clear off our liability.


Updated (4 months later) - It really took abt 4++ months to finally settle everything & pass the Keys to the NEW OWNER. BYE BYE to my house.

Saturday, September 5, 2009


Today we went to Bukit Indah Jusco and got us a pretty good deal on the 2 Luggage Bag below. (Brand is BHPC - I formally have one of this smaller size bag & the quality is pretty good)

Original Retail Price is RM429 ea.
After 70% Discount is only RM128.70 ea. Hence in Total we paid only RM257.40 for both bags.

eyes_droped WOW !!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

House SOLD - Part 1

Finally.... my greatest worry - about selling of my house before we leave Malaysia has been relieved. Three days ago, we finally receive news from our Agent ... that the house has been sold & the buyer has already paid the Deposit.

Hence, now to finalised the sales of the house we will have to wait for the call from the Agent to visit the Lawyer's office to sign the papers & for the buyer to get his Loan approved.....

Although I'm reluctant to sell of the house..... but it is a must for us to fully clear our liabilities here before going on our new voyage.

Lalalala Yipee !!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

To Go Or Not To Go ??!!!

We are still hesitating if we should go to Kelowna due to several reasons.... Ideally, We really wanted to go to Victoria. This is because there are more job opportunities there & housing is not as expensive as in Kelowna. But many things worries me if we chose to go Victoria once we reach there.

Where will we live when we 1st arrive? Do we have sufficient funds to rent a place there until I get a decent job? Will we ended up living in the streets when we run out of funds? What school will the kids go to if we only manage to rent a place at a shabby & dense place? Will I be able to support my family... with Rental, Food, Clothings & Utilities to paid for? Everything needs MONEY .....

At least if we settle 1st in Kelowna I do not have to think about rental & places to live as we can stay at my Aunts Place while searching for a decent job. My main worry here is that if we get too comfortable in Kelowna, we will never think of moving to Victoria.,_British_Columbia

View Larger Map

haiz2 Haiz !!!!!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Driving License Mock Test.

Spent some time last weekend reading the "RoadSense for Drivers" Book that my Aunt brought back from Canada during her visit Home. I was told by my Aunt that I could take up the Mock test online hence I went online to search for the Licensing body for the British Columbia district at below website.

& was directed to

Therefor I took up the Mock Test, see below is the result.

I got 24 correct out of 25 questions, hence my score is 96%.


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Wages for Jobs !!!

I went online to survey what the wages will be like for certain profession. Hence I found the website below :-

This website has the latest Wage Average for almost all profession. All you need is to select the profession you want to know & it will give you not only the Wage range but also the description & requirement for the job.

See below a summary for the job that I will most likely be searching for in Canada.

Engineering is a regulated profession hence I need a license to practice this profession there. I read through the details about the application on the Licensing Body (APEGBC) website & ........

OMG OMG!!!! it is very complicated process !!!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Car Prices in Kelowna, Canada

Went on the NET to search for car prices in Kelowna, really could not believe I paid abt RM82k++ for my Toyota Vios in Malaysia 5 yrs ago, which apparently they are sold in Canada as Yaris....

even with the exchange rate of 3.2 it will cost only RM64k++. But if you also consider earning RM2k++ & buy a RM82k++ car while in Canada you earn CND2k++ & buy a CND20k++ car.... you will realize their CAR is damn cheap.

Below are some other car models pricing :-

If you fancy a Camaro as in Transformers it will cost only abt CND29k++ (without any accessories)

What abt a Honda Civic which my brother has one... cost only abt CND22k++

Volvo S40 ?? abt CND31k++ (without any accessories)

Anyone Fancy a BMW 3 Series ??? abt CND35k++ (without any accessories)

* (without any accessories) may means no Air-con, Keyless Entry & other accessories that we normal cannot opt out for in the cars in Malaysia.

shock2 Really Jaw Dropping Price !!!!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Driving License Record

Another important document needed is our Driving License Record. According to my Aunts in Canada the car insurance will cost a BOMB if you are a new driver. Therefor if we happen to buy a Car, then we need to show the car insurance company in Canada that we have experience in driving.

Hence, we went down to the JPJ in Taman Daya, Johor Bahru to obtain this letter. Initially the admin thought that we are applying for a letter for Singapore Driving License convert. Luckily, we told the officer that we need the letter for Canada. This is because they will issue a different letter & a different process will follow if it is for Singapore. The letter cost RM 10.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Vaccination Letter

Today we went to our regular Paediatrician to obtain the Vaccination Record for our kids. This is needed in later stage when we are to enrol our kids to school. Although our kid's vaccination was done by the Government Clinic, our regular Paediatrician was more than willing to provide us with the letter & certification.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

NEWS Released.....

Finally, the news has been released & nearly all my friends & my wife's friends has receive news of our new voyage. All except my work friends - which most likely to break the news in DEC when I'm about to quit my job, this is so that my company will not know the news of my future resignation beforehand.... to avoid HR from making funny moves. (i.e. trying to terminate me with funny reason & such)... I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to them.... SORRY !!!

It seems that some of our friends are not surprise at all about our move.... but was surprised that it was so soon & our application was approved so fast .... most think that it is easy to apply & get approval..... however, till now I do not know why my application was approved so soon ???


Thursday, June 25, 2009

Journey Begins Part 2 - The Final Truth

Today, the final truth about our application status has been revealed....

9:25 am - Flight from Johor Bahru to Kuala Lumpur (Air Asia Cost RM 65)

10:10 am - Arrival at KL's LCCT. Grab a Taxi to Menara Tan & Tan 18th Floor (Cost RM 70)

11:15 am - Finally reach the Destination (shown in MAP below)

View Larger Map

Visa & Immigration Dept Operating Hours :-
Mon-Thurs 8:30 am to 11:30 am, 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm
Friday 8:30 am to 11:30 am.

11:20 am - Reach 18th Floor, has to pass trough tight security & Hand Phone has to be turned off & locked inside a locker before I was allowed to enter the Visa & Immigration Department.

11:23 am - Handed in the Passport & Approval letter for processing .... JUST IN TIME (b4 they closed at 11:30 am)sweating

11:40 am - 1:30 pm - Lunch Time at Menara Tan & Tan's cafeteria at 8th Floor.

1:30 pm - Back into the Visa & Immigration Department to wait for the Passport.

3:15 pm - Finally the wait was "OVER" .... receive the Documents & Visa from the Canadian High Commission.

Generic Document :-

Canada VISA :- (for immigrant)

3:30 pm - Grab a Taxi back to KLIA (Cost RM80)

4:15 pm - Reach KLIA Airport

5:25 pm - Flight from Kuala Lumpur to Johor Bahru (Malaysia Airline Cost RM 99)

6:10 pm - Finally reach JB's Senai Airport.

What a DAY !!!! haiz

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Re-New Passport !!

Today, we went to re-new my two kids passport. Although my daughter's passport expired in 1 yr time & my son's passport expired in 3 yrs time, we decided to re-new both their passport to have full validity before we start our journey. This is because it is inconvenient to travel to the High Commission of Malaysia in Canada which is located in Ontario (east end of Canada) while where we will be staying in Kelowna near to Vancouver (west end of Canada).

Luckily the Immigration Centre in JB for re-newing passport was open in the weekends from 8am to 1pm. We reach there exactly on 8am but found that many others has already entered the building & receive their queue number. Our Queue Number is "24". By 8:40 am our queue number was called & finally our application being process & it all takes about 5-8 mins. However, the dreadful wait begins as my sons is getting agitated.... it took us 1hr to finally receive the receipt for payment. This receipt is essential as we need it to collect the passport in 2 hrs time upon the issuance of the receipt.

However, we finally collected our kid's passports around 11:30 am that day.

vomit2 Can really VOMIT BLOOD while waiting !!!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Shopping Begins !!!

Last weekend, me & my family went to shop for some stuff to bring over to Canada.

1st we went to this 100Yen shop at Permas Jaya along the road where KFC is situated. We found several cheap bargains. My wife notice somethings that was sold online with a higher price but was only RM4.50 each in this shop.

1) Animal Egg Shaper.

2) Microwave Able Tupperware. (for our family to bring lunch to work / school)

3) Sushi Rice Mould.

2ndly, we went on to search for a luggage which my wife previously seen on the Internet. This luggage has 2 sets of zipper that can be un-zip to enlarge the size of the luggage. Although, it is soft skin but it will be good enough for us to put our clothings & less fragile things in it. Finally we found it at one of the stores in Sutera Mall. You will be surprised to know we actually bought 4 of this luggage. Although, it is a bit Pricey (abt RM69 ea) but I don't know where else we can search for it in JB.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Planning !!??

After much discussion we planned to make the migration trip after Chinese New Year 2010, i.e. somewhere around March 2010. (which is just inside the 12 months validity date of our required arrival period in Canada)

We consider ourselves lucky already since we have several relatives already there & most probably will be staying at my Aunt's place in Kelowna, BC. She is planning to buy a town house / condo by end of this year as her "Early Accommodations Benefits" from her company will expire soon as she was transfered there from another city. Hence, by staying with her we are able to save on rental until I get a better paying job & should at least pay some amount of rental to her.

She was kind enough also to go shopping in Kelowna for Winter clothings for us during this period & she really knows how to picked up real cheap bargains.(as always) Winter clothing in Johor Bahru really cost a BOMB.


Monday, June 1, 2009

My Mind....

At 1st we didn't think much when we started to apply for PR in Canada but a lot has been on my mind lately while waiting for the official letter from High Com to arrive.

  • Do I want to give up all I have here for Life in Canada?
  • Will I be able to sell of my house at a good price before I leave?
  • Will life be better there than here?
  • Will I get a JOB of my liking & will the salary be good?
  • Will I be able to provide what I have been providing now to my family in the future there?

Many things & dilemma run across my mind ... but my wife assures me that we will get over all the difficulties together. One thing she said that strikes me is that will life here sustain in 5-10 yrs time, what if one day I get retrenched here what will happen then? Will I be able to support my 2 kids to College or University Overseas with my current pay & savings? What if I grow old, what benefits will I get from the Govt here? Hence will all these said, I finally made a decision to Gamble it all by going to Canada for a better lifestyle & for our children's future.

goodluck I really need it !!!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Journey Begins Part 1

Receive an e-mail from Canadian High Com in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia today ... .. regarding the approval of my Permanent Residence in Canada status. Surprisingly the entire process of my application to approval only took 15 months. Normal process previously (abt 1-2 yrs ago) applied by my 2 Aunt, who is now there took abt 3 years. We (me, my wife & my two kids) just finish / submitted our medical report a month ago & was really surprised to receive the e-mail with the letter attach below.

We was really caught off guard regarding this news. Moreover, I'm really confused & in dilemma on what to do next. There are a lot of preparation needed to be done & we do not know where to start.

confused Dizzzyyy !!!!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Medical Checkup Experience.

There is only one Doctor who is approved to perform the Medical Checkup near Johor Bahru & below is the MAP from Google Map regarding the Clinics Location :- (a small & run down clinic)

Dr. Abraham Matthew
Klinik Malysia
97, Main Road, 81750 Masai, Johor.
Phn : 07-2511369

View Larger Map

I would say that this is the worst medical checkup experience I have had. Trying to get an appointment to see the doctor was a drag. I tried many times to make an appointment but fail to do so due to my availability & doctor's availability. There was once I call in the morning to make an appointment & the Nurses there told me I could come in the afternoon, hence I personally took leave from work to visit him. But to my despair when I reach there the other nurses told me that the Doctor will not be in today. I was like WTF!! .... waste my time & annual leave for nothing. I wrote an e-mail to the Canadian High to enquire if I could do my medical checkup in Singapore but there was no reply until I finally met up with Dr.Abraham on my 4th try.

Actually on the 1st visit, the doctor only gave me 2 forms to be filled up by the other examiner.... i.e. 1 for the X-ray Examiner at Wisma Maria & the other for the Urine & Blood Test at Century Garden's PathLab. After both examination is done & we have to bring the report back to Dr.Abraham for the 2nd visit & this visit did not happen until 2 wks time, coz the doctor was away for 2 weeks at that time. When we finally met up with him & completed our medical checkup, we are left with only 1 week before the date line for submission.

on the nerve

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Application Process Starts Here !!

It all begins in Dec 2007, when we decided to apply for the PR status in Canada. When we finally compiled all the documents & application forms needed it was already Feb 2008. Our 1st application was sent back to us because we used the incorrect form & we do not need to send the other supporting doucuments until being ask to. This was totally a different process from what my other 2 Aunts did for their application.

Hence we resend our application form & the payment to the Canadian High Com in Mar 2008. Finally in Jan 2009 we were ask to submit all the supporting documents that I have compiled previously, some of the documents have to be updated again & we finally sent out all the documents in Mar 2009. Finally last week, we were surprised to have receive a letter from the High Com requesting us to perform the Medical Checkup. Does this mean our application will be coming to an end soon ???? 

dunno I wonder ??!!!