Tuesday, July 28, 2009

To Go Or Not To Go ??!!!

We are still hesitating if we should go to Kelowna due to several reasons.... Ideally, We really wanted to go to Victoria. This is because there are more job opportunities there & housing is not as expensive as in Kelowna. But many things worries me if we chose to go Victoria once we reach there.

Where will we live when we 1st arrive? Do we have sufficient funds to rent a place there until I get a decent job? Will we ended up living in the streets when we run out of funds? What school will the kids go to if we only manage to rent a place at a shabby & dense place? Will I be able to support my family... with Rental, Food, Clothings & Utilities to paid for? Everything needs MONEY .....

At least if we settle 1st in Kelowna I do not have to think about rental & places to live as we can stay at my Aunts Place while searching for a decent job. My main worry here is that if we get too comfortable in Kelowna, we will never think of moving to Victoria.


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haiz2 Haiz !!!!!

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