Saturday, June 6, 2009

Planning !!??

After much discussion we planned to make the migration trip after Chinese New Year 2010, i.e. somewhere around March 2010. (which is just inside the 12 months validity date of our required arrival period in Canada)

We consider ourselves lucky already since we have several relatives already there & most probably will be staying at my Aunt's place in Kelowna, BC. She is planning to buy a town house / condo by end of this year as her "Early Accommodations Benefits" from her company will expire soon as she was transfered there from another city. Hence, by staying with her we are able to save on rental until I get a better paying job & should at least pay some amount of rental to her.

She was kind enough also to go shopping in Kelowna for Winter clothings for us during this period & she really knows how to picked up real cheap bargains.(as always) Winter clothing in Johor Bahru really cost a BOMB.


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