Monday, January 17, 2011

Kayden Start's Pre-School

Kayden has started pre-shool on 5th Jan 2011, it cost CAD 175 per month & he attends school on alternate days (i.e. Mon, Wed & Friday). For the 1st few days he was excited to go to school in the morning that when my wife leaves him at school, he just follow the teacher into the classroom. But when my wife comes to pick him up after school @ 12pm he starts to break out emotionally.

However for the past 2 session he doesn't want to go to school at all & when my wife leaves him there, he will start to cry & doesn't want to follow the teacher. But when my wife picks him out, he would happy hug my wife & doesn't cry at all.

It seems like his emotion has make a 180 degrees turn from b4 which made my wife worried & troubled ... coz according to the teacher he cried pretty long & always wants MUMMY or his favourite soft toy "DOG DOG". As my wife said that it is better he cries when she pick him up after school coz at least she is there to comfort him later.

Hopefully on this coming Wed, he will be better & used to school hence wouldn't cry anymore.

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