Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Vancouver 'N' Ice Hockey ...

After living in Vancouver, Canada for a year ... we really have to picked up one of their culture / favourite past time and it is all about watching the NHL. Most people back in Asia will only know about Premier League & NBA ... but here in Canada, NHL is what we live for.

Fortunately, Vancouver has a Team in the NHL & they are called the CANUCKS !!! Last night was the most tense moment of all for all resident of Vancouver cause it is Round 1 GAME 7 into the Playoffs (if they lose they are out of the playoffs) & the CANUCKS was match up with their arch rivalry the Chicago Blackhawks.

When they WON it in "OT", everyone in Vancouver Celebrated & Cheered ..... but the game still has to go on .... there are still Round 2 (top 8), semifinals (top 4) & the Finals.


Friday, March 25, 2011

A Year Have Gone .....

It has been exactly a year today ..... when we first migrated here to Canada. Many things has change and many things has happen outside our expectation. (IN SHORT) Our journey begins from Malaysia - through Singapore Custom - Singapore Airport - transit in Hong Kong - arrive in Vancouver Airport - change to Domestic - flight to Kelowna ...... it was the longest & most tiring travel we have ever been. Stayed in Kelowna for nearly 3 months .... then decided to move to Vancouver instead for better job opportunities.

I can still remember that the hardest part of our migration was in Vancouver when we have 1st rented a place & had nothing. No beds (had to sleep on the carpet floor for 2 days), no plates, no food in the fridge, no cooking utensils & no transport. The 1st few weeks was like shopping for stuff ..... the images of us going to IKEA at 1st to shop for beds & stuff... had to carry to 2 big BAGS of bedding stuff & kitchen stuff while taking the BUS & Skytrain back to our rented home. Buying large items stuff like Vacuum Cleaner, Microwave & TV ..... without a Car, had to carry by hand & took public transport.

Then it was JOB Searching ..... for nearly 8 months without an income. Got turn down in several job interviews.... Never gave up ..... work harder, started volunteering at MOSAIC to teach Elderly how to use a PC.

Finally, in NOV my luck has turn & found a great temporary job in a good company & made good friends at work .... bought a car in DEC ..... working hard to establish myself ... etc.

Hopefully, the coming year will improve slowly. I'm not a greedy person but I really hope that I could get a Permanent Job in the company, save enough money to buy a townhouse & most importantly everyone (i.e. my wife & kids) is healthy & well.

Phew !!!! The journey now is like a whole lot of fast forward images ...

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Pinocchio ....

As I have mention that Kayden has been lying quite often lately .... hence we went to the library to borrow the Disney's DVD movie of "Pinocchio" (1940). Together we watch the movie last weekend & it seems that the movie has taken effect on him. Whenever we detect him lying .... we would say "Are you Lying or Did you just Lie ???" .... he would instantly put his hand / finger over his nose .... probably afraid that his nose will grow. For the past week he has been pretty good ... no more lying, there was one time .... I ask if he was lying .... he quickly touch his nose & when I got confirmation from his MUM that he is not lying.... I praise him quickly & he seems happy.

One thing I didn't like abt the movie is when there was a scene where Pinocchio & his friend was smoking cigar & drinking booze ... although I know the intention of it .... that it teaches the kids that if you drink & smoke you will become a "DONKEY" .... but the sight of smoking & drinking, really disturbed me.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Foggy Day Drive ...

Today has been a very FOGGY DAY drive to work .... once I hit Surrey (i.e. the town where I work) it almost seems like I'm in the movie "SILENT HILL" .... visibility was probably abt 30m. Flurries has been falling since last night & probably stop before midnight ... hence temperature must has fallen pretty low in the Surrey area. Normally I could see the Farms right beside the Highway .... but not today as it was all cover with fog. I wished I had a good quality camera with me to post the picture online as the fogginess is really unforeseen ....

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Update !!

It has been a long time since I have Blog .... nothing much has happen lately. My wife has been homesick previously cause it was Chinese New Year back home & this is the 1st time in her life for not celebrating it with family & friends. Kayden has been bad lately for telling LIES most of the time ... his intention was actually to joke / tease you but me & my wife doesn't want him to grow up with this bad habit .... hence we have been disciplining him hard. Where as for Kirsten ... she has been well.

As for me ... not exciting happen .... my work contract just got extended until end of May ..... but there may be some opportunity there in the company for Permanent position but .... nothing has been cut out in STONE yet. Hence I just kept a positive & hopeful mind .... but not keeping my HOPE tooo high ....

Monday, January 17, 2011

Kirsten Making The Bed ....

We was really shocked on Saturday morning when we realise that my daughter had made her bed when she woke up. Then we asked if she could assist her brother & us in making the bed the next day when she wakes up ..... Sure enough the next morning she woke up & help her little brother make his bed too. Just seeing her slowly folding the small polyester blanket & then the single duvet blanket. Then putting it away under the pillow. When I was 5 years old I don't think I even know how to make my bed ....

Moreover, on Monday morning my wife told me that our daughter once again did it & this time even made up our bed. She neatly fold away our polyester blanket & I think our queen size duvet is too big for her to fold ... hence she just lay them straight & neatly covering the Bed.

Kirsten, Daddy & Mummy is really proud of you !!! Hopefully you will grow up to be a good & responsible girl as you are now !!

Kayden Start's Pre-School

Kayden has started pre-shool on 5th Jan 2011, it cost CAD 175 per month & he attends school on alternate days (i.e. Mon, Wed & Friday). For the 1st few days he was excited to go to school in the morning that when my wife leaves him at school, he just follow the teacher into the classroom. But when my wife comes to pick him up after school @ 12pm he starts to break out emotionally.

However for the past 2 session he doesn't want to go to school at all & when my wife leaves him there, he will start to cry & doesn't want to follow the teacher. But when my wife picks him out, he would happy hug my wife & doesn't cry at all.

It seems like his emotion has make a 180 degrees turn from b4 which made my wife worried & troubled ... coz according to the teacher he cried pretty long & always wants MUMMY or his favourite soft toy "DOG DOG". As my wife said that it is better he cries when she pick him up after school coz at least she is there to comfort him later.

Hopefully on this coming Wed, he will be better & used to school hence wouldn't cry anymore.