Friday, September 17, 2010

Kirsten's 2nd Week of School

This week the Kindergarten class is split into Morning (starts 9 am) & Afternoon (starts 1 pm) session. Kirsten was registered in the morning class. This arrangement was so that the kids get the feel of what school is all about & gradually the class session will increase. On Monday & Tuesday it was a 1 hr session, Wed was 1 and half hours and Thursday & Friday was 2 hrs session. On Wed Recess was introduce & we prepared some snacks for Kirsten to have at school. During Recess kids are ask to have 15 mins of snack & play time outside the class. This is true for all kids in other Grades as well.

Kirsten's class teacher seems to be very well organize & nice too. She gets every kids to recognize their name cards & place it on the attendance board before the class starts. Then she gets them to sit on the carpet area & wait for the others before starting to sing a song. When heading home time, she will get the kids to clean up all the toys together followed by getting the backpack & jackets on while lining up. Then one by one student in the queue she will ask the child if there are anyone picking he/she up .... else he/she has to stand aside & wait for the guardian to pick the child up. The reason I said she was well organize cause I didn't see the other classes doing this routine. In total there are 4 Kindergarten class in the school & roughly abt 20 students in each class.

Next week all the students will attend the morning class & gradually increase the class session.... from 9 to 12 pm then 9 to 1 pm then 9 to 2 pm & finally 9 to 3 pm. Moreover, all student will be introduce to Lunch at 12 pm on next Tuesday ... it will be a 30 mins Lunch & 30 mins play time outside. All K-class student will be wearing a Purple Vest as a safety precaution so that the teachers & other Grade's kids will keep a look out for any of them who wander away from the group.

One thing we found out while at Kirsten's school is that they do not have textbooks that we used to lug all the way to school during our Primary days in Malaysia .... here the learning session is more lively for all Grade 1 to 7. Teacher regularly bring the kids out of the classroom to learn about stuff .... & more interactive sort of learning .... not like the old method of teacher at the front of the board teaching & kids on their tables listening. Kids here really have a better life ... & better learning environment.

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