Since my daughter was a toddler, she was always shy & would always cry when meeting new people ... she had been better lately but we still worry she will break down if stranger talk / ask her stuff continuously. So before the test start I have caution the examiner about her condition. 1stly the examiner ask her to identify the colours she had on a piece of paper. To my relief she was able to speak up & answer each colours correctly. Secondly, the examiner brought out a piece of Human Body picture & ask each part of the body. She was also able to name all the part asked. Finally for the final assessment, the examiner made a story with the picture board with several family member cut out picture & along the way asking question to see if my daughter know how to interact & count. She started to look gloom & upset when she don't know the answer or didn't understand the question, but I assured her that it is OK if she doesn't know & we can proceed to next question.
After the assessment, I was proud of her for not breaking down & could answer most of the question correctly. Then the examiner told me that my daughter's level is 3 out of 4 level. Moreover, they hope that she could be bilingual through out her growth. The examiner even encouraged us to speak Mandarin to her at home & assured us that she will definitely picked up English in school.

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