Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Registered for School !!

Yesterday we went to the Educational Services Center to get help registering my daughter for school. 1stly we need the Landing Papers & Proof of Residence (a letter from my aunt) to register my daughter for school. Based on where we live the Education Service Dept will assign my daughter to the school within it's en-catchment. Then the person in-charge, noted to us that a service worker will call us & make an appointment to meet up at the school. Later in the afternoon, the service worker call us up to inform that she has our acceptance letter for school & shall meet us on the next day at the school for a registration to the school.

Finally, today we made the trip down to the school to register my daughter to the specific school that they appointed us to. 1st impression of the school is that environment is nice & hopefully my daughter will get the best out of the Education system here.

hmmm Hopeful !!!

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