Friday, March 26, 2010

1st day in Kelowna.

It was a busy 1st day in Kelowna, luckily my aunt was on leave hence she brought me around town for some errands. My wife & kids have to stay at home cause we have yet to buy Child seat for both of my kids. Due to the regulation here both my kids are below 40lb hence they each need to be in a Child Seat if we were to travel in my aunt's car.

1st stop was actually to purchase the Child Seat at Sears, we saw the child seat on promotion online. The regular price was CND 119 but was reduced to CND 99. We were actually going to get the Child Seat but the Sales person was nice enough to advise us to come back tomorrow as there will be an extra CND 10 off for the early birds who managed to get a voucher tomorrow.

From there we went to open a Bank Account with the Bank Draft that we acquired from Malaysia. The Banking Officer who help to open an account for me was really nice & friendly, she gave us much advise on the account we should open. However, the money from the bank draft requires a 30 days hold for the money to be able to be used.

Then we proceeded to the Service Canada Centre to process my Social Insurance Number Card. This Number is needed in order for a person to work in Canada, this number enables the employer to check with the Govt Dept to see if the person they were going to employ is eligible to work in Canada.

A lot still need to be done but at a later stage. (i.e. application for Health Insurance Card, Register my daughter for Kindergarten, application for Child Tax Benefit)


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