Sunday, February 27, 2011

Pinocchio ....

As I have mention that Kayden has been lying quite often lately .... hence we went to the library to borrow the Disney's DVD movie of "Pinocchio" (1940). Together we watch the movie last weekend & it seems that the movie has taken effect on him. Whenever we detect him lying .... we would say "Are you Lying or Did you just Lie ???" .... he would instantly put his hand / finger over his nose .... probably afraid that his nose will grow. For the past week he has been pretty good ... no more lying, there was one time .... I ask if he was lying .... he quickly touch his nose & when I got confirmation from his MUM that he is not lying.... I praise him quickly & he seems happy.

One thing I didn't like abt the movie is when there was a scene where Pinocchio & his friend was smoking cigar & drinking booze ... although I know the intention of it .... that it teaches the kids that if you drink & smoke you will become a "DONKEY" .... but the sight of smoking & drinking, really disturbed me.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Foggy Day Drive ...

Today has been a very FOGGY DAY drive to work .... once I hit Surrey (i.e. the town where I work) it almost seems like I'm in the movie "SILENT HILL" .... visibility was probably abt 30m. Flurries has been falling since last night & probably stop before midnight ... hence temperature must has fallen pretty low in the Surrey area. Normally I could see the Farms right beside the Highway .... but not today as it was all cover with fog. I wished I had a good quality camera with me to post the picture online as the fogginess is really unforeseen ....

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Update !!

It has been a long time since I have Blog .... nothing much has happen lately. My wife has been homesick previously cause it was Chinese New Year back home & this is the 1st time in her life for not celebrating it with family & friends. Kayden has been bad lately for telling LIES most of the time ... his intention was actually to joke / tease you but me & my wife doesn't want him to grow up with this bad habit .... hence we have been disciplining him hard. Where as for Kirsten ... she has been well.

As for me ... not exciting happen .... my work contract just got extended until end of May ..... but there may be some opportunity there in the company for Permanent position but .... nothing has been cut out in STONE yet. Hence I just kept a positive & hopeful mind .... but not keeping my HOPE tooo high ....